Humble Beginnings
In November of 1950, working out of a cigar box in a broom closet sized office in the Portland Forge, a small number Portland Forge employees banded together and formed a financial cooperative to provide low-cost financial services to their coworkers and families. A federal charter was granted, and Portland Forge Employees Federal Credit Union was established. Within four months, 165 members had joined the credit union.
Growth and Expansion
In 1986 members of Jay School Corporation Federal Credit Union requested permission to merge with Portland Forge Employees Federal Credit Union. Later, in 1992 members of Indiana Glass Credit Union followed suit and merged as well. These successful mergers resulted with one credit union serving Jay County and the surrounding area.
This growth pushed us to expand from our one location in Portland. In 1992 a new branch was opened in Dunkirk. We also opened a second branch in Portland with extended hours in 2001. As membership continued to grow, another branch was opened in 2009 in Winchester. This expansion allowed the credit union to expand even further and serve more members in Randolph County.
Name Change
To better reflect our growing field of membership, our name changed in 2005 to CrossRoads Financial Federal Credit Union. Our name reflects a place where people and finances meet and acknowledges our location at the CrossRoads of America.
Today and Our Future
CrossRoads Financial Federal Credit Union has grown from a few members working out of a cigar box to over 9,000 members, four offices, and over 25 employees.
While much has changed since 1950, the credit union continues to follow the journey set by our founding members. CrossRoads Financial Federal Credit Union is committed to providing the services that our members need now and in the future. Our mission will always be to help our members meet their financial needs, one CrossRoads at a time.